LG 36" 29.5 cu. ft French Door Refrigerator in Stainless - LRMVS3006S


Enjoy quick and easy access to all your favourite snacks with this 30-cubic-foot LG Door-in-Door fridge with InstaView. A sleek front panel can be knocked twice to illuminate the contents within the Door-in-Door, so you can choose a snack without letting cold air escape. It’s easy to manage your fridge’s settings with built-in Wi-Fi, plus get maintenance tips and usage reports with the LG ThinQ® app. With ultimate flexibility, the Full-Convert™ drawer comes with five temperature settings so you can chill or freeze anything you’re craving.

InstaView Door-in-Door:
The sleek, tinted glass panel on the front of the fridge illuminates with two quick knocks, so you can see inside the easy access compartment without opening the door, reducing cold air loss to help keep food fresher longer.

Full-Convert Drawer:
Get more usable space but keep it flexible with the Full-Convert drawer – now with five temperature settings to fit your family's needs. Choose from Chilled Wine, Deli/Snacks, Cold Drinks, Meat/Seafood, and Freeze settings. Plus, adjustable dividers keep everything organized.

Tall Ice and Water Dispenser:
Enjoy freshly filtered water and ice at any time without ever opening the refrigerator door, thanks to the exterior dispenser. Plus, with the convenient Measured Fill feature, you can dispense exact amounts of filtered water in ounces.

Dual Ice Maker with Craft Ice™:
LG’s exclusive Craft Ice maker automatically makes batches of three, slow-melting ice spheres per day without the work of time consuming molds. Plus, it can also dispense cubed or crushed ice.

Slim SpacePlus® Ice System:
Located inside the door – this ice system frees up valuable shelf space while allowing even more space for door bins. Plus, with dual ice makers you’ll always have extra ice on hand.

ENERGY STAR® Certified:
Energy Star certified models are perfect for the environmentally conscious user, plus they exceed government standards to help save money on your utility bills.

Width: 35.75" (90.8 cm)Height: 70.25" (178.4 cm)Depth: 39.13" (99.4 cm)


Retails at $3,699.99

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